Neural manipulation releases restrictions in the connective tissues of the nerves. All nerves in the body must move and glide as the body moves to maintain optimal health. Following an injury, a nerve may become restricted and irritated due to local scar tissue and connective tissues adhesions. Nerves that are restricted in their mobility can become sensitized and painful, leading to movement restrictions to compensate and offload the irritated nerve.
Through gentle manipulation techniques, neural manipulation releases adhesions surrounding restricted nerves, resulting in increased mobility, and decreased pain and inflammation. This release in restrictions allows the nerve to begin to heal, assisting the body in recovering from injuries and complex nerve pain conditions.
Conditions that may benefit from Neural Manipulation
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Elbow & Wrist Pain
Midback Pain & Stiffness
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Lower Back Pain & Stiffness
Knee Pain
Ankle & Foot Pain
Mortons Neuroma
Post Surgical Rehabilitation
Chronic Pain Conditions
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
Nerve Pain & Inflammation
Occipital Neuralgia
Facial Pain
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Jaw Pain
Neck Pain & Stiffness
Headaches & Migraines
Post-Concussion Syndrome
This list is not exhaustive. Other conditions also benefit from neural manipulation.
What to Expect
During the initial assessment, a full medical history will be taken along with a discussion of a patients physical symptoms, concurrent therapies and goals for therapy. Nerve mobility will be evaluated by using gentle manual therapy techniques to determine if any scar tissue or adhesions exist around the nerves. Other evaluation tests may also be performed such as: sensation testing, strength testing, joint mobility, and functional movement analysis, to determine the cause of the nerve restriction and if other areas of the body are compensating.
Following the initial assessment, the findings will be reviewed and a discussion on if neural manipulation is the best treatment choice for the patients injuries will occur.
During treatment, gentle manipulations will be used to release restrictions in the tissues connective tissues surrounding the nerves. By releasing these tissue restrictions, a nerve can start to glide and move freely again, reducing pain and inflammation. Releasing nerve restrictions in this way is very gentle, pain-free and is tolerated well by most patients.
Nerve Assessment
Benefits of Nerve Manipulation
The entire nervous system is interlinked and functions as a unit. The peripheral nerves (in our arms and legs) branch off of the spinal cord, allowing communication and control between distant parts of the body.
Nerves must be able to move freely in their environment for optimal health. When you lift your arm, the nerves in the shoulder, elbow and wrist need to be able to glide and elongate in response to the movement of the arm. If there are restrictions in the nerves, lifting the arm can create an increased pull and pressure on any areas where the nerve is adhered. Overtime, this restricted nerve mobility can create pain, mobility restrictions and inflammation.
Nerves can become restricted for a wide variety of reasons such as: following a trauma (car accident, broken bone), after a fall, and following a surgical procedure. When an injury occurs, the connective tissue and musculature surrounding a nerve can become restricted, limiting it's mobility. The body may compensate for this nerve restriction by moving excessively in other areas of the body and restricting movement around the irritated nerve. This creates compensations and can lead to injuries in other areas of the body.
Nerves in the Upper Body
Irritated Sciatic Nerve
There are many benefits of neural manipulation such as: reduction in pain, increased nerve mobility, reduction in local inflammation, and increased joint mobility. Applying gentle stretching and mobilization techniques to restricted nerves can assist in releasing connective tissue restrictions surrounding the nerve, reducing the tension and pressure on the nerve. This can allow the nerve to start to move normally again, gliding and moving when the rest of the body moves. This reduces the pain and inflammation created by the nerve, allowing the nerve and the body to heal and recover optimally.
After Treatment
Every patient will respond differently to neural manipulation. Following a treatment, it is normal to feel the body shifting and adjusting in response to the release of the adhesions surrounding the nerves. Most patients will notice a reduction of pain and an increase in mobility; however, complex injuries, persistent pain syndromes and chronic nerve restrictions may require a few treatments before significant improvements are noticed.
If you have further questions or concerns regarding neural manipulation, or if you are not sure if this is best type of treatment for your health care needs, please contact the clinic.
For more information on neural manipulation, please visit:
The Barral Institute: Neural Manipulation.